
With each square matrix corresponds just one number. This number is called the determinant of the matrix.
            The determinant of a matrix A is denoted det(A) or |A|.
Determinant of a 1 x 1 matrix
            Determinant of the matrix is the element itself.
            Ex: det([-7]) = -7
Determinant of
a 2x2 matrix and 3x3 matrix
Do not memorize these as formulas, learn instead the patterns which give the terms. The 2 x 2 case is easy: the product of the elements on one diagonal (the "main diagonal"), minus the product of the elements on the other (the "antidiagonal").
For the 3 x 3 case, three products get the + sign: those formed from the main diagonal,
or having two factors parallel to the main diagonal. The other three get a negative sign: those from the antidiagonal, or having two factors parallel to it.
Important facts about  A
ü    A   is multiplied by -1 if we interchange two rows or two columns.
ü    A   = 0 if one row or column is all zero, or if two rows or two columns are the same.
ü    A   is multiplied by c if every element of some row or column is multiplied by c.
ü   The value of    A    is unchanged if we add to one row (or column) a constant multiple of another row (resp. column).
Important facts about  A
Though the letters a, b, c,.. . can be used for very small determinants, they can't for larger ones; it's important early on to get used to the standard notation for the entries of determinants. This is what the common software packages and the literature use. The determinants of order two and three would be written respectively
In general, the ij-entry, written aij, is the number in the i-th row and j-th column.
Its ij-minor, written I Aij I , is the determinant that's left after deleting from IAl the row and column containing aij.
Its ij-cofactor, written here Aij ,is given as a formula by Aij = (-1)i+j lAijl.
Laplace expansion by cofactors
            This is another way to evaluate a determinant; we give the rule for a 3 x 3. It generalizes easily to an n x n determinant.
            Select any row (or column) of the determinant. Multiply each entry aij in that row (or column) by its cofactor Aij, and add the three resulting numbers; you get the value of the determinant.
            As practice with notation, here is the formula for the Laplace expansion of a third order (i.e., a 3 x 3) determinant using the cofactors of the first row:
            and the formula using the cofactors of the j-th column:
Evaluate the determinant of matrix:
by using Laplace expansion!

The laplace expansion by the first row is
The laplace expansion by the second column is:
Area & Volume Interpretation of Determinant
Cramer’s Rule à The use of determinant to solve the linear equations system

  1. Cari solusi persamaan linier berikut dengan cramer’s rule!
       2 x            - 3 y     - z        =          -1
              x        + y       - z        =          2
            4 x       - 3 y     - 2 z     =          -1
2. Dengan a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h adalah angka di stambukmu
    (Dabcdefgh1), hitung determinan dari matriks berikut dengan 
    metode laplace:
         a  b  c
         d  e  f
         g  h  1

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